
Pentesting - Brute Force

Default Credentials Some wordlists that contain default passwords for different services: SecLists Rockyou https://github.com/ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet/blob...

Pentesting Wireless

Check Available Interfaces Wi-Fi Check the name of the available Wi-Fi interfaces by running: ip link show or iwconfig Monitor Mode Monitor mode in Wi-Fi pentesting is a special configu...

Pentesting - Essentials

Information about the Network There are commands that are used to display the network configuration information of a computer. This commands provide details such as the IP address, subnet mask, de...

Pentesting - Cracking Passwords, Protected Files and Hash

Cracking Protected Files with Password 2john is a tool that is part of the password cracking utilities provided by the John the Ripper project (also known as John). John the Ripper is a popular an...

Pentesting - Attacking Network Services

Email Services Discovery of common ports used for email services: sudo nmap -Pn -sV -sC -p25,143,110,465,993,995 Interact with POP3 and IMAP Example with cURL: curl -k 'imap...

Welcome to our cybersecurity blog

Thank you for visiting our cybersecurity blog! We are Ioritz and Elisa, two computer engineers with a master’s degree in cybersecurity and various specializations in the field, along with work e...

FindTrack: An OSINT Automation Tool with Graphical Interface

FindTrack is a Linux tool designed to automate OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) with a graphical interface. I (Elisa Alises Núñez) created it as part of my Master’s thesis in Cybersecurity. The ...

HackRF One: Analysis and Solution of Replay/Relay Attacks using Radiofrequency

Introduction: In this article, you will delve into the fascinating world of vehicular cybersecurity. We will explore an in-depth investigation of Replay and Relay attacks, which affect vehicles and...

HackSystemKiller: An Automated Pentesting Tool

HackSystemKiller is a tool that I designed and developed for my Bachelor’s thesis in Computer Engineering (Elisa Alises Núñez). Its main objective is to automate Pentesting tasks from the initial p...

Wireless Network Pentesting: Discovering Vulnerabilities and Tools

Introduction In the field of cybersecurity, ensuring the protection of wireless networks, which have become a fundamental part of our daily lives, is essential. In this article, we will explore a ...