Home Wireless Network Pentesting: Discovering Vulnerabilities and Tools

Wireless Network Pentesting: Discovering Vulnerabilities and Tools


In the field of cybersecurity, ensuring the protection of wireless networks, which have become a fundamental part of our daily lives, is essential. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive study conducted by pentesting experts to assess the security of Wi-Fi networks. We will analyze how IEEE 802.11 protocols work and discover the vulnerabilities present in each of them. Additionally, we will delve into the fascinating world of pentesting tools used to test the security of these networks.

Study Phases

  1. Discovering Vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi Protocols Firstly, we will explore the most commonly used Wi-Fi protocols and examine their internal workings. This detailed analysis will allow us to identify potential vulnerabilities present in each of them. Understanding the weaknesses of the protocols is crucial for strengthening the security of our wireless networks.

  2. Pentesting Tools: Exploring the Arsenal of the Ethical Hacker In the next phase, we will immerse ourselves in the exciting world of pentesting tools. These tools are essential for exploiting the vulnerabilities identified earlier and evaluating the network’s resilience against possible attacks. We will discover a variety of tools, from dictionary generators to sniffers and DoS attackers, which will enable us to assess and audit the security of wireless networks.

  3. The OWISAM Methodology: Focused on Wi-Fi Security Audits A crucial part of this study is the Open Wireless Security Assessment Methodology (OWISAM). We will focus on understanding how this methodology targets specific security audits for wireless networks. Leveraging its power and effectiveness, we will also identify aspects that may require updating and improvement.

  4. Proposal for OWISAM Update As pentesting experts, our goal is not only to assess existing security but also to enhance it. We will present a proposal to update and improve the OWISAM methodology, considering technological advancements and new vulnerabilities that may have emerged. We will conduct risk calculation simulations using the updated methodology, allowing us to measure the security of wireless networks more efficiently and accurately.


In conclusion, this in-depth study has allowed us to explore the vulnerabilities present in Wi-Fi protocols and discover an impressive set of pentesting tools for evaluating the security of wireless networks. Additionally, we have analyzed the OWISAM methodology and proposed its update to stay one step ahead in safeguarding our Wi-Fi networks. As cybersecurity experts, it is our duty to continue learning and evolving to keep our networks and data safe from constantly evolving threats. Together, we can maintain the security of our wireless networks!

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