Home HackSystemKiller: An Automated Pentesting Tool

HackSystemKiller: An Automated Pentesting Tool

HackSystemKiller is a tool that I designed and developed for my Bachelor’s thesis in Computer Engineering (Elisa Alises Núñez). Its main objective is to automate Pentesting tasks from the initial phase to the generation of the final report.


The primary focus of this tool is to automate all processes, including checking and installing dependencies, and creating the file structure that contains the report. It is designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, fully guided, interactive, and reliable for note-taking during the audit.

While displaying information in the console, the tool simultaneously generates and populates the report automatically in real-time, containing the results of the ongoing audit.

This tool is modular, with each functionality developed independently and interconnected:

  • Domain auditing.
  • Pentesting a specific machine (target) on the network.
  • Local machine auditing.
  • Post-exploitation techniques.

The current version, 1.0, is already functional, and I will continue to develop and scale it constantly.

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